China Deploys Troops At Larung Gar: The Larung Gar Buddhist Academy, one of the largest Tibetan Buddhist study centers in the world, has recently seen a significant increase in Chinese military personnel. According to the report of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), China has deployed about 400 soldiers and several helicopters in this academy located in Serthar County.
This move is evidence of increasing state interference on Tibetan Buddhist education and religious freedom. Larung Gar has been targeted by the Chinese government for a long time, due to which its educational and religious importance has been deeply affected.
Restrictions on religious freedom with new rules
Chinese rules to be implemented by 2025 could bring major changes for Tibetan monks and nuns. These rules include provisions such as limiting the period of stay at the academy to 15 years, mandatory registration of all religious teachers and reduction in the number of monks. Furthermore, Chinese students are being directed to leave the academy. The purpose of these measures is to limit religious activities and conform to Chinese policies.
Academy’s population reduced to half
Established in 1980, Larung Gar has played an important role in promoting the teaching and study of Tibetan Buddhism. The academy continues to attract thousands of monks and nuns from Tibet and around the world. However, Chinese actions between 2001 and 2016–2017 caused severe damage to its structural and educational assets. Thousands of residential structures were demolished and a large number of religious practitioners were evicted. Due to which the population of the academy reduced from 10,000 to half.
China’s atrocities on Uyghur Muslims
China has been accused of atrocities against Uyghur Muslims. China has repeatedly tortured Uyghur Muslims living in Xinjiang province, more than 10 lakh people were detained in ‘re-education camps’. There were reports of torture, forced labor and mental harassment in these camps. Strict restrictions were imposed on Islamic practices in Xinjiang, such as praying in mosques, wearing religious clothing and fasting.
Beijing’s strategy on religious freedom in Tibet
China is continuously trying to strictly control religious freedom in Tibet. The Chinese government claims that Tibet is an integral part of its territory, while a large section of Tibetans are demanding further independence. This dispute has remained a serious issue since the exile of the Dalai Lama and the rebellion in Tibet in 1959.
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