Kanpur: From the scientists of the country and abroad to the governments and people there, they have been searching for a cheaper and better alternative to petrol and diesel for a long time. From electric vehicles to hydrogen and CNG vehicles, everything has been launched as an alternative to petrol-diesel vehicles. However, all these fuels still have many shortcomings. While electric vehicles face problems in charging and range, CNG vehicles face difficulty in starting and running during winter and rainy seasons. However, scientists are continuously engaged in finding a solid alternative to petrol and diesel. In this sequence, IIT Kanpur has prepared a bike running on methanol which can be run by mixing methanol.
IIT Kanpur has prepared one m85 bike and one m15 bike. In one, 85 percent methanol can be mixed and in the other, 15 percent methanol can be mixed.
Mechanical Engineering Department has prepared
Methane powered bike has been prepared by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of IIT Kanpur. Any old bike can be converted into a methanol powered bike at a cost of just ₹ 100. However, only 15 percent methanol can be mixed in it. He says that any old bike can be converted into m15 methanol bike at a cost of only ₹ 100.
The m85 bike prepared by IIT Kanpur is quite advanced and 85% methanol can be mixed in it. Methane bike will also give good average and it is also very cheap. This pollution will also spread to no extent. In such a situation, it will not only be economical but will also keep the environment safe.
Methane is prepared from household garbage and agricultural waste.
Dr. Srijit Biswas, who prepared this bike, said that a methanol based bike has been prepared by IIT Kanpur. IIT Kanpur is working in this direction so that cheap and environmentally less polluting fuel can be prepared as an alternative to petrol and diesel. Methane is cheap and can be easily prepared in the country. Methane can also be prepared from agricultural waste generated from farming. Due to its operation, pollution will also reduce and people will also have the option of petrol.
FIRST PUBLISHED: December 31, 2024, 18:27 IST