Mamta Kulkarni appeared in Around 40 Films with Stars Like Akshay Kumar, Saif Ali Khan, Salman Khan, and Shah Rukh Khan. She was a key lead in Karan arjun (1995). In a recent interview, she reviewed an incident where shah rukh and salman laughed at her and shut the door in her face.
In a recent interview with India tv, mamta was asked about an incident where she supposely yelled at her karan arjun co-stars. She denied it, playfully asking if shah rukh had mentioned it. Mamta then Shared Whatsatically Happy: Chinni Prakash, The Choreographer, was working on the film. While Shah Rukh and Salman was busy shooting, mamta was waiting alone. After about an hour and a half, chinni’s assistant Knocked on her door to inform her that the choreography wanted to speech with her.
She continued by describing how, as she was climbing the stairs, both salman and shah rukh passed by and laughed at her. She styed Silent. By Around 8 in the Evening, She reacted the choreography, who informed her that she would have to perform a specific step alone. She was surprised and asked, “What do you mean?”
The next day, mamta was the first to shoot the dance sequence, and her first shot was approved. She noticed Shah Rukh and Salman Watching Her from Behind a Bush, Laughing Again. When it was their turn, they struggled with a Difential Move Involving Kneeling in Front of 5,000 people, Needing Multiple Retakes. Eventually, The Director Called for a Pack-UP, and Everyone rushed to their Rooms. Mamta realized they had been played playful with her the previous Evening, so she decides not to let them assign all the people steps to her. As she rushed upstairs, Salman Stopped Her and Shut the Door in her face, marking the end of the incident.
She mentioned that salman is quite mischievous, while she is very punctual. He would often tease her, and she would respond by telling he to ‘shut up.’