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Martz’s party has got only 208 seats out of 630. They have to form an alliance to form the government.
The right -wing party Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has emerged as the largest party in the election held in Germany two days ago. Party leader Frederick Merge can become the new head of the country.
Even though Martz is the leader of the party whose leader Angela Merkel has been a Chancellor, but Martz is more aggressive than Merkel.
He is considered a big supporter of America. However, due to Trump’s statements about Europe and Ukraine, he has spoken of distance from America.
But there is also a major similarity in them and Trump. They also think of ‘Nation First’. His attitude towards illegal immigrants is a cutter like Trump.
Martz also wants to re -ban cannabis in Germany. The ban was lifted by the then government in 2023.
Who is Frederick Martz, if you become a Chancellor, then what changes will we bring in Germany, why we will make distance from America… Know in this story…

1. Martz wants to completely liberate Germany from America
After the results of the German election, Trump said in the social media post, ‘Conservative party has won in Germany. Like America, the people of Germany were also disturbed by the agenda without thinking. Especially on the issue of energy and immigrants. Today is a big day for Germany.
While Trump is expressing happiness over Martz winning, Martz has said that Germany needs to improve its security system. Also, your long -standing dependence on Washington will also have to be eliminated. Martz is unhappy with Trump’s carefree attitude over the future of Europe.
According to media reports, Martz said,

I did not feel that I would have to say anything like this … but it is clear from Trump’s statements that this US government is indifferent about the future of Europe. I am talking to many Prime Ministers of the European Union and the heads of the government. At this time, our priority should be to strengthen Europe, so that we can get freedom from America.
2. Surrender attitude like Trump about migrants
Like the US and many European countries, a large number of illegal immigrants are reaching in Germany. To struggle with this problem, Martz has spoken of making the immigrant law tough.
Recently, immigrants and refugees have carried out several attacks in Germany. This is also a big reason that the Martz wants to take steps to prevent strict rules to dearn immigrants and uncontrolled immigration of the people. For this, he has prepared a plan of five points.

3. Ganja will be banned in Germany
On 1 April 2023, Germany gave legal approval to the use of cannabis. With this, Germany became the largest country in Europe to do so. On this occasion, about 1,500 people gathered at the famous Brandenburg Gate of Berlin, the capital of the country and appeared to celebrate with hookah and chillam.
Under the new law, people above 18 years of age were allowed to keep 25 grams of drought cannabis. Along with this, it was also approved to grow three cannabis plants at home.
The then Health Minister Carl Lautrabakh wrote on X- ‘Consumption of cannabis has been thrown out of the’ scope of sanctions’. The new law will save people from its addiction. Will defend children and youth and will also fight from black market.
When Martz started the election campaign last year, he said that he would ban Ganja again. He said that legalizing the cannabis is increasing the crimes related to drugs. Gang-wars have increased so much in the country, which we cannot even imagine.
4. Security will be made in Europe like NATO
Two days before the election, Martz warned that Europe would have to be ready to protect itself without America. He had said, “We should prepare for the possibility that Donald Trump will fulfill the promise of security under the NATO unconditionally.”
He also indicated that Germany may have to demand nuclear security from its European fellow countries. He said- ‘Two nuclear power of Europe- We have to talk with Britain and France whether they will share their nuclear security with us.’
Regarding the NATO Summit to be held in June, Martz said that he wants to see if NATO will remain like this or by then we must have prepared our independent security system in Europe.
5. To unite Europe aim, support for Ukraine
After the election results, Martz said on Monday that it is his priority to unite Europe in front of the challenges coming from the US and Russia. He said that he hopes that America will understand that America is also good in staying with Europe.
Martz also questioned the US-Russian conversation to end the Russia-Ukraine war. He said that if America makes a compromise with Russia without talking to Europe, without talking to Ukraine.
Frederick Martz’s Career Profile …
Career started as a corporate lawyer
He has studied law. After this, he started his career as a corporate lawyer. Martz joined the Christian Democrats Union (CDU) party in 1972. He was first elected to the German Parliament in 1994 from Sorland. Due to his economic understanding, politics progressed rapidly.
In the early 2000s, Martz was elected as a CDU parliamentary leader. The same year Angela Merkel was elected the leader of the CDU party.

Floor leader Frederick Martz with party chairwoman Angela Merkel at the CDU party meeting in December 2001 in Dresseden, Germany.
Former Chancellor Merkel expelled from government
In 2002, Merkel claimed for the parliamentary post. In 2005, when CDU formed the government with SPD, Martz was not included in the government. Martz was marginalized in the party due to lack of better relationship with Angela Merkel.
In 2009, Martz retired from politics. He remained connected to the private sector for almost a decade. He worked with a big company like Blackrock.
Returned to politics after a decade
Martz returned to politics in 2018. By then Chancellor Angela Merkel had also decided to step down. After this, Martz contested the party leader in 2018 and 2021, although he then lost. In 2022, he managed to become the President of CDU. He then contested the Chancellor from the CDU party in 2025.

Martz attended the party meeting in Hamburg, Germany in December 2018 after returning to politics after a decade.
How much possibility of Martz becoming a Chancellor
Martz’s party has won elections in Germany, although the party has got only 208 seats out of 630, while 316 seats are required to form the government. In such a situation, the party will have to form a coalition government. If the party forms a government with an alliance, the merge will become a Chancellor.
Read these news related to German elections …

German Chancellor Olaf Sholj has lost the general election. His Social Democrats Party (SDP) has won only 121 seats out of 630 seats. He has got only 16.5% of the votes. The Cristian Democratic Union (CDU) party coalition of Conservative Opposition leader Frederick Merge has won 208 seats. He has received 28.5% of the votes. Read full news here …