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Skincare in summer for oily skin: Oily skin problem is common in summer, which can increase pimples. According to skin specialist Puneet Aggarwal, this problem can be avoided by the right skin care routine and food.

Avoid oily skin and pimples in summer.
- Oily skin problem is common in summer.
- Adopt the right skin care routine.
- Aloe vera gel beneficial for oily skin.
Skincare in summer. Increasing humidity and sweat in summer makes the problem of oily skin common, which can increase the problems of pimples. Experts say that this problem can be avoided by adopting the right skin care routine. First of all, the identity of skin type is necessary, so that it can be taken care of accordingly. Skin specialist Puneet Aggarwal told Local 18 that every person’s skin is different and it is necessary to understand it for proper care.
How to identify your skin type?
Skin type is usually of three types- dry, normal and oily. To identify it, look at the fingers of the nose as soon as you wake up in the morning. If you look bright or feel oilyness then the skin is oily. If there is no glow, the skin is normal. On the other hand, if the skin feels dry and the face stretches, then it is a sign of dry skin.
What should those with oily skin do?
People with oily skin often have rash on their faces, especially on the nose and forehead. Naturally, their pores are more open, causing excess oil to come out. Those with such skin should avoid oily things and it is necessary to understand its formula before applying any cream. If a cream, ointment or lotion is written on a cream pack, then avoid applying it on the face as it can close the pores that can increase the pimples.
Home remedies and necessary precautions
Aloe vera gel can prove to be the best remedy for oily skin, as it is beneficial for all types of skin. However, before adopting home remedies like curd and cream, it is necessary to see if the skin is oily. Similarly, sandalwood powder and orange peel scrub can be harmful for dry skin.
The right skin care and food is necessary
In summer, oily skin people should avoid fried things and drink more water. It will be beneficial to use vitamin E, glycerin or aloe vera containing soap instead of joy chemical soap for bathing. Skin is not dry in summer, but if it feels, then use light moisturizer and it would be good to do body lying before bathing. The skin can be kept healthy and immaculate even in summer with the right skin care and healthy diet.
Satna,Madhya Pradesh
March 05, 2025, 12:08 IST
Want feeding face in summer, adopt these easy skin care tips