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Summer Healthy Drink: Consumption of mint in summer benefits health in many ways. Consumption of mint in any form of stomach calms the burning sensation in the chest and keeps the body cool. Such in mint …Read more

Mint use
Summer healthy drink: Stomach related problems are very common in summer. Eating oily, spicy, stale food causes problems like gas, acidity. In such a situation, if you want to avoid these problems, then include those things in the diet that keep the stomach cool. Apart from cucumber, watermelon and many seasonal fruits, it also includes mint. Which you can use in many ways in catering. In summer, you can also make syrup from mint, which is ready in minutes and relieves many stomach related problems.
Many properties of mint are mentioned in Ayurveda. Using mint removes different types of problems, along with this, mint is also used in many types of Ayurvedic treatment. Especially during the summer days, most of mint is used in every household, whether mint is sherbet or anything else is used mint,
Ayurveda doctor Dr. Pragya Saxena said that we can use mint as chutney, as well as mint. Peppermint provides coolness to our body during summer days. Mint water has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, it is rich in phytonutrients and has vitamin A, vitamin C and B-complex, phosphorus, calcium and anti-bacterial properties. Also, its effect is also very cold. This is why it is considered a panacea for summer.
Consumption of mint is very beneficial
He further explained that the mint sauce looks delicious to eat. You can consume a spoon every day by making such chutney. Apart from this, put the mint in a glass of water overnight and drink that water during the day. Also, you can grind the mint leaves in sattu or vine syrup. Consuming mint in this way is very beneficial.
Effective in these diseases
Also, if you have fever due to heat stroke, then mint leaves can prove to be very beneficial. Apart from this, if there is a problem of stomach cramps, digestive power is weak, indigestion or stomach irritation, burning sensation in urine, then mint water is very beneficial. If there is pain anywhere in the body due to heat, mint is a panacea. Apart from this, weight loss is also effective. However, it is not to be consumed in the heart. Eat only four to five leaves every day.
March 13, 2025, 10:31 IST
Consuming this green leaf syrup in summer, drinking body will remain cool and cool
Disclaimer: The medicine/medicine and health advice given in this news is based on the conversation with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use something only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for the damage caused by any use.