There has been an old history of relationships between CIA and drugs cartales, and now new news has come out about these relationships. According to a secret document, CIA has recently signed an intelligence agreement with some drugs of Mexico. The purpose of these agreements is to maintain political stability in Mexico and control drugs on the US border. However, there is a fear that this step of CIA may further promote drugs trade in Mexico.
At the same time another report has also come out which claimed that CIA has established intelligence with some Taliban groups in Afghanistan. These groups are related to poppy cultivation and heroin production. According to the report, the purpose of CIA is to maintain its presence in Afghanistan through these groups and reduce the influence of China and Russia.
Darisa Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has resorted to many controversial methods to achieve its strategic and political purpose in different countries since its formation. One of these major methods have been to combine with those & nbsp; War Lords and Organizations, which have been involved in the illegal business of drugs. & Nbsp;
oss to cia
During World War II, the American Intelligence Agency Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was established, which later developed as CIA in 1947. After the war, CIA required financial resources for its secret campaigns. In this case, a young lawyer named Paul Edward Helivale along with the mafia proposed to raise funds through drug trafficking. Under this scheme, mafia kingpin "lucky" Luchiano was collaborated, who was in captivity at that time, but was an expert in drug smuggling. The aim of this alliance was to earn huge profits by giving a consignment of drugs to African-American communities in American cities.
& nbsp; South East Asia: Golden Triangle
In 1950 and 1960 decades, of Southeast Asia "Golden triangle" (Thailand, Laos, Myanmar) The area was produced extensively. Here, the CIA tied up with Mukami War Lords & Nbsp; and groups, which were involved in opium cultivation and smuggling. One of these prominent colleagues Laos was General Wang Pao, who smuggled opium for raising funds for his soldiers with the support of CIA. CIA ignored these activities, as the support of Wang Pao and other local leaders was very important against communist forces during the Vietnam War.
Afghanistan: Struggle against Soviet Union
In the 1980s, CIA worked closely with Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to support Afghan Mujahideen against the Soviet Union. During this cooperation, there was a huge increase in opium cultivation and heroin production in Afghanistan. Mujahideen factions used the money received from drug smuggling to buy weapons and conduct their campaigns. CIA ignored these activities, because all his attention was engaged in defeating the Soviet Union in the war.
South America: Colombia and Nicaragua
In South America, CIA also showed its involvement in controversial activities in Colombia and Nicaragua. In Colombia, rebel groups such as FARC (FARC) received money from cocaine production and smuggling. In Nicaragua, the CIA supported the Contra rebels, who were fighting against the Communist Sandinista government. Contra groups also raised funds from drug smuggling, and alleged that CIA not only ignored these activities but encouraged them, so that their political objectives could be assigned.
There are many such examples in the history of CIA, where he to achieve his Jio Political Maqsad & Nbsp; Drugs smuggling Criminal Gangs and Rebel Armed Groups & NBSP; And cooperated with people or ignored their activities. These actions not only promoted the problem of drugs in the respective fields, but it also led to serious consequences at the global level. The new information revealed shows that the CIA is still adopting such policies, which promote illegal activities. It is important that US President Trump in his second term & nbsp; protect himself from such policies in the coming times which are harmful to humanity. The drugs of which the new breed of America itself is being ruined.
[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. यह ज़रूरी नहीं है कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही ज़िम्मेदार है.]