USA News: USS Harry S. The Truman aircraft carrier collided with a merchant ship (merchant ship) in the Mediterranean Sea. Information about this incident was reported by the US Navy on Thursday (15 January). & Nbsp;
US sixth fleet spokesman Commander Timothy Gordeman said in his statement that the warship’s Basicatas-M collided late last day when it was going from Port Saeed of Egypt.
‘Aircraft carrier did not suffer much damage’
US sixth fleet spokesperson Commander Timothy Gordeon further said in his statement, "Harry S. There is no harm to Truman (CVN 75). There is no news of any kind of injury after or someone. & Nbsp;
There is no danger, because there is no news of flood or injuries. Propulsion plants have not suffered any damage. The propulsion plants are completely safe. The status of Basicatas-M was not mentioned after the collision in the statement.
Merchant Ship was Panama’s flag
This merchant ship is listed as a wholesale carrier on shipping websites. There was a flag of Panama on this. The United States deploys aircraft carrier to regions around the world, it contains thousands of sailors and takes dozens of aircraft. & Nbsp;
Earlier in December 2024 on the Red Sea, an American-directed missile cruiser targeted the F/A-18 war aircraft. However, in this incident, both the pilots had no harm and they had already left the aircraft. At the time of firing, the US Army said that it had carried out an airstrikes targeting Iran -backed Hothis, which have been attacking & NBSP; commercial ships in the region.