The cleat mistakes have now reached their peak. After correcting the mistakes in the answer sheet, not only were there mistakes in the result, now irregularities have started in the rank also. The effect of this has been that those who were getting admission easily earlier, have found it difficult and those whose admission has become difficult.
The reason is that the Consortium of NLUs has changed the results of many students without any notice. The provisional answer key was released on 2 December. Students and experts found many questions and answers wrong. The timeline for releasing the final answer key was released on 9th December and results on 10th December. Then the consortium released the final result along with the final answer key on 7th December without any notification at 11 pm.
Now mistakes have come to light in these results also. In these results, in the score sheet of students, those students who did not apply in PWD category were given PWD rank. When Bhaskar revealed this, the Consortium of NLUs hastily changed the results without informing many students.
Here is the proof… Someone’s rank went from 358th to 70th and someone else’s rank went from 321st to 62nd.
Case 1- Study Ratanu of Jodhpur
Earlier he was declared 20th rank in PWD category, he had also applied in the same category. But now PWD category has been removed. Earlier he was getting admission in top 5 universities. Now admission will not be available in any of the 26 universities.
Case 2- Divya Raj Singh of Lucknow
Earlier he had got 358th rank in PWD category. Changed to 70th on Monday. When he went for counselling, his rank was reduced to 73rd. In such a situation, earlier he was not getting admission in any university. Now the path is easy.
Case 3- Dhairya Sahni of Delhi
In the results declared earlier, he stood second in the PWD category. When I saw the results on Monday, my rank became 12th. Earlier one could easily get admission in top universities. Now admission will be available in universities ranked 5th to 7th.
Case 4- Aditya Shukla of Jaipur
Earlier the rank was said to be 321st in PWD. Its result was also revised on Monday and now it is being declared as 62nd rank in the same category. Earlier I was not getting admission in any university. Now there are possibilities for his entry.
The last date for filing complaints has not been decided yet… but counseling has been started.
In the information released on the portal, the Consortium said, students can lodge complaints from 12 noon on December 8, but no last date has been released. However, counseling was started on Monday without resolving the complaints. Expert Sagar Joshi said that the consortium is continuously making mistakes in haste. Many students are complaining about changing their results.