After 15 years of study, the scientist took out the formula to make the brain a super sharp, the brain keys are included in 3 things

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Brain Boosting Formula: A US scientist has taken out a formula to intensify the mind after 15 years of study. Under this formula, 3 things are required daily.

After 15 years of study, scientist took out a formula to make the brain sharp

3 things to speed up the brain.

Brain boosting formula: If a person does not have a brain sharp, then it is nothing. No matter how much it is, if the intellect is not sharp, then it is not able to move forward in life. Nowadays, most people have problems related to memory. Most people fail to learn new things. There is difficulty in focusing attention on something. Although complete nutrients are needed to intensify the mind, but the American scientist and Heather Sadison, who has done research on the brain for the last 15 years, has made a list of 3 major things to keep the brain active and sharp. A person who is consuming these three things can become active and sharp. Let’s know about these 3 things.

These 3 things will make a super sharp mind

1. Nootropics-Nutropics is a supplement that contains a mixture of vitamins, healthy fat, amino acids, herbs, caffeine etc. Heather Sandison says that my personal experience has been that Nutropics makes focus, mental clearance, mood and sleep good. It keeps you refreshed all day and inspires you to eat nutritious things. Sandison said that he takes a bullet daily. It boosts productivity all day.

2. Vitamin D and K-If you want to keep your brain refreshed and active, then you should never let the vitamin D and vitamin deficiency in your diet. Both these vitamins are directly associated with the health of the brain. Vitamin’s vitamin Deks with vitamin D sends calcium to bones. This increases the ability of learning and memory in the brain. You should take sunlight everyday for vitamin D. Apart from this, walnuts, mushrooms etc. should be consumed.

3. omega 3 fatty acids-Omega 3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory. That is, it reduces inflammation in the cell. Inflammation is like a kind of inflammation. With aging in the brain, inflammation in neuro cells increases. In such a situation, omega 3 fatty acids keep reducing this information, which does not have any negative effect on the brain. The special thing is that omega 3 fatty acids also make the heart healthy. Walnuts, fish, seeds have the highest omega 3 fatty acids.

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After 15 years of study, scientist took out a formula to make the brain sharp

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