Rights of illegal immigrants: A Democratic Party member in the US and the office of Representative Alexandria Okasio-Cortage of the 14th district of New York recently, a pro-activist to tell the immigration while interacting with the Immigration and Custom Information (ICE) agents about their officials while interacting with agents. Have taken the step. A webinar organized by his office showed the methods adopted to arrest the immigrants with without papers from the ice officers of New York, which was aimed at helping to avoid the submission of such people.
Jenia Blesser, a lawyer of the Immigrant Defense Project, emphasized that the raid of the ICE is often done to motivate politics and create fear among the people. He said, “ICE raids are inspired by politics and they are done only to make fear among people.”
He further said that the ICE uses rhetoric to tell its work done and criminalize immigrant people. Which can turn into aggressive phenomena. Blesser highlighted the need to know their rights to the immigrants. Because the maximum raid of the maximum ICE takes place in public areas and in the morning.
Guide on social media for immigrants
Ocasyo-courtes shared the “No Your Rights” guide on social media about such concerns. In which it was emphasized that everyone has rights in the United States, no matter what their immigration status is. This Gadai is available in English and Spanish language. Which gives important information about the methods of interacting with ICE agents, which has also been told about not opening the door of his house without judicial warrant.
Do not give any answer without warrant, ask ice agents to go
The guide “No Your Rights in Case of ICE” written by Okasio-Retage has given an advice not to open its door. Apart from this, this guide also advises immigrants that if ICE agents are unable to show warrant, then at such a time you ask them to go and if questioned, be absolutely calm.
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