US Intelligence Agency CIA: America’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has made a big claim that the Covid-19 virus has leaked from a laboratory. CIA has indicated in its new report that the virus came from China only. The agency has also admitted that it has little confidence in the outcome of its report. This report was made public after the new director John Ratcliffe took charge.
In fact, in the report prepared by the CIA during the tenure of the Biden administration, it was said that the corona virus originated from China. However, it was not clear whether the virus accidentally leaked from a Chinese lab or was spread intentionally. Now, as soon as Donald Trump became the President, the new report of CIA has said that the virus did not originate naturally, but came out of a lab.
What did the CIA director say?
There is increasing pressure from American lawmakers on intelligence agencies to reveal the truth. Actually, the CIA is believing that the virus was not leaked naturally but from a lab, but the agency has less confidence in the results of its own report. CIA Director John Ratcliffe said that more accurate information is being collected to find the source of the virus.
This is a breaking news. It is being updated continuously.