Nervous System of Human, A physiology expert is fully aware of how many nerves are there in our body and what functions these nerves perform in the body. Whether that vein is small or big, they all know where it supplies blood and from where the blood reaches the heart. After this, how does the blood reach the whole body through the kidneys?
But scientists have discovered such a vein in the body, which existed in our body before birth and disappeared after birth. But new research has revealed that this vein now remains in people’s body for a long time.
extra vein is present
According to a study by researchers from Australia’s University of Adelaide and Flinders University, a temporary vein (artery) passing through our arm no longer disappears as easily as before. This means that now there are many people in the world who have this extra vein in their arm.
Research surprised even scientists
In this study published in the Journal of Anatomy, researchers have found out how well this vein circulates blood in many people. After this, he compared this information with old records and found that this vein is now 3 times more active than in the last century. This revelation has surprised even the scientists.
Flinders University physiologist Teghan Lucas says that physiologists have been studying an additional vein in the body since the 18th century and they have found that the number of adult people with this vein is continuously increasing. In 1880 it was visible in only 10 percent of people. But in the latter half of the 20th century it increased to 30 percent.
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