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Salt not only enhances the taste of food, but it is also very beneficial for the body. Iodine present in it is very important for the brain. Many varieties come in salt. It is also used in Ayurvedic prescriptions. Lake …Read more

Eating gray salt increases the energy level of the body (image-canva)
Benefits of gray salt: Whether the salt is low or more, the food test changes. Salt is sodium chloride which comes in many colors and many variety. Salt is not only extracted from the sea, but it is also found in rocks, lakes and salt water of the pond. Most people use simple salt ie table salt. Rock salt is eaten during the fast, black salt is added to fruit chaat and pink salt is used in astrology. But it is another salt from them which is called gray salt.
Do hormones balanced
Dietician Satnam Kaur says that gray salt is called Celtic Salt, Cell Marin or Cell Gris Salt. It is sea salt that is extracted from the Atlantic coastal areas of France. It contains high amount of potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, silica. The minerals found in it keep the hormones balanced. Actually it is not refined salt while the table is salt refined. Due to lack of refined, gray salt increases the functioning of adrenal gland, which does not cause problems related to hormones like thyroid, PCOD.
Dehydration does not occur
People often fall prey to dehydration during the summer season. Similarly, people who are athletes, due to sweat in their body, the amount of water decreases. In such a situation, gray salt is very beneficial. Drinking a pinch of gray salt in water does not cause dehydration in the body. It contains natural electrolytes, which keeps the body hydrated. This causes neither fatigue nor cramps in muscles.
Digestion remains well
Gray salt keeps stomach health healthy. Eating it is easily digested in the stomach, which keeps acid level balance. People who have acidity or are troubled by blotting, then such people should remove the table salt from their kitchen and keep gray salt. The special thing about this salt is that it is added in small amounts in food and it makes the food tasty.
Good for high blood pressure patients
People who have heart related diseases, doctors recommend eating less salt. Actually, table salt used in homes contains high sodium content which causes damage. People who have high blood pressure should use gray salt in food because it has less sodium content. At the same time, kidney patients are also asked to eat less sodium, this salt is also beneficial for them. But take it only with the advice of a doctor.