Nitish Kumar on Lalu Yadav Offer: Before the upcoming assembly elections in Bihar, all eyes are on Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Amid speculations about Nitish Kumar’s alleged displeasure with BJP, RJD Chief Lalu Yadav has given such a statement which is being discussed a lot. On the question of CM joining the grand alliance, Lalu Yadav said that if he comes along, he will welcome him. Now Nitish Kumar has reacted to this offer of Lalu Yadav.
Responding to RJD Chief’s offer, Nitish Kumar said, ‘Leave whatever Lalu Yadav is saying.’ Actually, Lalu Yadav had invited Nitish Kumar to return to the grand alliance. He had said that if he wanted to come along, he would take them. After his statement, the political temperature has become high in the bitter cold.
Lalu Yadav had offered to return
Lalu Yadav, while answering the questions of journalists related to the return of Nitish Kumar, said that
What did Tejashwi say on RJD Chief’s offer to Nitish?
On one hand, Lalu Yadav is seen talking about welcoming Nitish Kumar in the grand alliance, while on the other hand, Tejashwi Yadav says that the doors are closed for him. Now the former Deputy CM of Bihar has also responded to Lalu Yadav’s statement. He has said that Lalu Yadav has said this to pacify the media. Because the media asks such questions every day, so what will he say?
Assembly elections are to be held in Bihar at the end of the year
Let us tell you that assembly elections are to be held in Bihar this year. With the beginning of the year 2025, sounds of change are being heard in the political scenario of Bihar. Obviously, there has been an old tradition of political changes in Bihar in the new year after Makar Sankranti i.e. 14th January. In Bihar, in January 2024, Nitish Kumar left the Grand Alliance and joined the NDA. After this he once again took oath as CM. This time too there is speculation in political circles that he is angry with BJP. Well, only time will tell what is going to happen in Bihar.
Also read: Bihar: ‘200 units of electricity free, Rs 2500 in women’s account’, Tejashwi Yadav made a big announcement even before the elections.