Chaitra navratri 2025: Chaitra Navratri starts 2025 from March 30 and it will end on 7 April. During this time people worship Maa Durga and keep fast. On Chaitra Navratri, the fasts consume nutritious things made in many types of fasts, so that energy and strength will remain in their body. Staying hungry and thirsty all day during the summer season can make dehydration, fatigue, lack of physical strength, dizziness. In such a situation, during the fruit, people also consume things made from protein, fiber, iron flour rich in iron. It contains solubal fiber. Controls weight. Stomach related problems like indigestion, blotting, constipation etc. are kept away. However, people buy kuttu flour from the market during Navratri, but they make a mistake in getting the identity whether the kuttu flour is real or fake. There has been no adulteration in it. You are also going to buy Kuttu flour for eating during the fast during Chaitra Navratri, then identify adulteration in this way.
Identification of adulteration in Kuttu flour
– People buy a lot during fasting of Kuttu so that they can eat nutritious dishes in the fast. According to FSSAI, a lot of adulteration is done in Kuttu flour these days. Harmful coloring, seeds, toxic, poisonous things are added to it, in such a situation, everyone should be alert while buying.
– Sometimes it can contain sand, insects, mite. To identify it, while kneading the dough, check it well with a sieve and check it. If there is fresh flour, then nothing will come out of it.
– Put a little bit of kuttu flour in a glass of water. Leave the glass stable. If you sit in the bottom of the flour glass, then it is real and if the dirt is seen floating on the water, then understand that the flour of the kuttu has been adulterated.
– Pure kuttu flour is light brown and gray color. It does not spread on kneading and when you put it in water, you will sit down.
-If the dough starts to disintegrate while dug, then something has been adulterated in it. The real dough will not be scattered while kneading. Whenever you buy the flour from the market, you must see the mark of FSSAI on the packet.
Likewise, add one teaspoon of kuttu flour and carbon tetrachloride ten to twenty ml in the glass and mix well. Put water in the glass too. Leave it stable. In some time, adulterated things like sand, soil, dirt will sit under the glass.
– Some people add a harmful substance called ergot to the flour of Kuttu. You can get sick by eating such adulterated flour. Its regular intake can increase the risk of cancer. Add water to a glass. Add a little bit of kuttu flour and salt to it. You will see that if there is adulteration of ergot in it, then it will come over the water.