Beijing7 minutes ago
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China is constantly increasing its military strength to control the intervention of outside countries in the areas around Taiwan and South China Sea.
China on Wednesday announced an increase of 7.2% in its annual defense budget, making it $ 249 billion (1.78 trillion yuan). This is about 3 times more than India’s military budget of $ 79 billion.
According to TOI, experts estimate that China’s actual defense expenses are 40-50% more than the expenses incurred on it. China allocates funds under different sectors to show its military expenses less.
China spends the most on the army after America. America’s defense budget is close to $ 900 billion.
China’s army has 2 million soldiers. He spends the most military after America.
Chinese aims to stop external intervention in case of Taiwan China is increasing its abilities in Army, Navy, Airforce, Nuclear, Space and Cyber regions to deal with opponents in Indo-Pacific and its surrounding areas amidst the current global upheaval. China is taking steps to continuously modernize its 20 million Peoples Liberation Army (PAL). It aims to stop the intervention of any third party in Taiwan and demonstrate his strength in the South-East Chinese Sea.
China considers Taiwan as its part, but Taiwan considers himself a separate country. Taiwan has not yet been recognized as a separate country.
75% of India’s military budget is spent on salary-pension
Currently, India’s defense budget is 1.9% of GDP. Experts believe that both China and Pakistan must have at least 2.5% of GDP to counter simultaneously.
India spends 75% of its defense budget on its 14 lakh army salary and pension, leaving only 25% for military modernization.
The Indian Air Force needs 42 squadrons of aircraft. Instead, the Air Force has only 31 squadrons. The number of active squadrons in this also is only 29. MiG 29 Bison’s 2 squadrons will retire this year.
A squadron consists of 18 aircraft. Accordingly, the Air Force has a major shortage of 234 aircraft.
The Indian Air Force needs 42 squadrons of aircraft. Instead, the Air Force has only 31 squadrons. A squadron consists of 18 aircraft.
China has more than 600 operational nuclear warheads India is working on the fourth generation Tejas fighter jets production. Whereas in comparison, China is now showcasing prototypes of the sixth generation after the deployment of J-20 Stealth fighter jets of the fifth generation.
China is increasing its nuclear stock rapidly than any other country. She currently has more than 600 operational nuclear warheads and can cross the number 1,000 by 2035. At the same time, China also claims to be the world’s largest navy with over 370 warships and submarines.
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