Bollywood Superstar Deepika Padukone Recently opened up about pay parity, her journey into acting, and her approach to preparation for roles. During an interview with forbes, she was inteced as “One of Bollywood’s Highest -Paid Actresses” – A Title She Acknowledded But also Hoped Wolded Would One Day Becklevant. “I mean, I hope we can get to a day where we don’t have to talk about it,” She said. “The fact that we have to highlight or underline that i’m the highest paid… Hopely, we’re geting there.”
Talking about Her Early Years, Deepika Reveled That She Grew Up in A Family of Athletes and wasn Bollywood to many films. “We Didn’T watch very many many movies, but the few movies that we watched in a year – every time we want into the cinema, I’d look at these amazing women and be inspired by them,” SAI SID Even as a child, she “sort of knew somehere deep down inside” Her Journey Began with Modeling Before Filmmaker Farah Khan Discovered Her. “One of the Few Indian Female Directors,” Deepika Noted, Crediting Her For Launching Her Career With Om shanti om In 2007 (Thought She Mistakenly Mentioned 2017). “And there’s been no looking back.”
When asked about how she prepares for her roles, Deepika explained that she does not like to over-reire. “With every character, you put a little bit of yourself in it,” She shared. “Of course, you have amazing writers, directors, and co-stars to go back and forth with, but I think there’s a litle bit of yourself, your Journey, and your experiences in Every Role.” INTEAD OF OVER-PREPARING, She Prefers to “Leave a lot of it to just being spontaneous because
The interviewer pointed out how women often tend to over-love with “just wing it,” to which deepika agreed. “Yes,” she said, reinforcing the idea that spontaneity can sometimes brings out the most natural performances.