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Sitting for a long time, wrong posture, lack of exercise and obesity are the main causes of back pen. Get relief by adopting the right position, exercise, healthy diet, warm-clock and the right mattress.

Exercise for back pen.
- Adopt the right position, keep the spine straight.
- Do daily exercise and stretching.
- Take healthy diet, keep weight under control.
In today’s lifestyle, back pain i.e. back pain has become a common problem. Working and working for a long time, wrong posture, lack of exercise and obesity are the main reasons. If it is not treated at the right time, it can take a serious form. However, by adopting some home remedies, you can reduce your back pain and make your body strong.
Let’s know 5 easy ways to get relief from the back pen…
Adopt the right position
Sitting wrong and standing is the biggest reason for the back pen. If you use a computer or mobile for a long time, then make a habit of keeping your spine straight. While sitting on the chair, use a cushion or rolled towel to support your waist.
The height of the screen should be such that you do not have to be bent. Do not sit in the same place for a long time, walk a little every 30-40 minutes.
Do exercise and stretching
If you do light exercise and stretching daily, then your spine will remain strong and the problem of back pen will be less. Cat-kau pose that makes the spine flexible and reduces pain. Apart from this, the bridge exercise, which makes the muscles of the waist and hips strong. At the same time, the cobra stretch also relaxes the spinal cord and gives relief in the lower back pen.
Take the right diet, wait control
Excess weight can also be a major reason for back pens, especially fat stored on the stomach put pressure on your waist. So take a healthy diet, so that your weight is under control. Take food containing green vegetables, fruits, nuts and fiber. Also avoid more oily and processed food. Drink sufficient amount of water, so that the body is not dehydrated.
Hot or cold
Warm or cold sickle can help reduce the back pen immediately. Hot water compressing helps to relax muscles and improve blood circulation. At the same time, snow is useful for reducing swelling and pain. Compress for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day.
Choose the right mattress and pillow
Your mattress and pillow can also be a major reason for back pain. Sleeping on a very soft or very hard mattress puts pressure on the spine. Use orthopedic mattresses and pillows with the right height. Try to sleep on the side and keep the spine straight while sleeping.