Earthquake in nepal: On Tuesday, a light earthquake of 4.4 magnitude occurred on the Richter scale in Dairana district of western Nepal. The officers provided this information. However, there is no news of loss of life and property.
According to the National Earthquake Science Center, the center of the 4.4 magnitude earthquake was in the district Daijar district, which also felt shocks in neighboring districts Achaham, Kalikot and Surkhet. He told that the earthquake in Dairan came at 5:20 pm local time.
People got out of their homes as soon as the earthquake occurred. In many videos on social media, fans are seen moving inside the houses. The atmosphere of panic can be seen among the people. However, the National Earthquake Science Center has said that the situation is normal right now.
Why earthquakes come
The real cause of the earthquake causes a sharp movement in the tectonical plate. Apart from this, earthquake can also be felt due to the effect of meteor, explosion in volcanoes or mining testing and nuclear testing. A large number of earthquakes occur on the earth every year, but in many cases we are not able to feel them due to the rapid intensity. But those who have more intensity bring with them the scene of destruction.
How intensity is measured
Cymograph is used to know the intensity and time of the earthquake. Through this device, the graph of the movement inside the earth is made. This is called Sismograph. Based on this, through the Richter scale, the intensity of the waves of the earthquake, the center of the earthquake and the energy are detected. Some parts of the Sismograph do not move when the earthquake occurs, but other parts start moving. The recording part of the earthquake does not move. Which helps in getting accurate information of the earthquake. The jerk measuring machine is called seismometer.