Eating milk or yogurt on an empty stomach can cause problems like flatulence, acidity or stomach upset. Because dairy contains natural lactic acid which makes acid in the stomach. Due to which there is a problem of flatulence. Sometimes healthy bacteria present in yogurt are beneficial for overall health, while some people can get relief from light acidity by drinking milk on an empty stomach. But it is generally considered good to eat curd for breakfast. Especially people who have problems with acidity or acid reflux. Eating curd on an empty stomach is beneficial for them. Because it contains probiotics. Those who go directly into your large intestine.
Participation with stomach acid – When yogurt is eaten on an empty stomach. So the acid present in the stomach can kill some beneficial bacteria present in yogurt. Due to which its probiotic benefits are reduced. To combat this, it can be a better option to mix yogurt with oats or fruits like carbohydrates.
Acidity threat – Some people may cause acidity problems by eating curd on an empty stomach. “This is especially true for people with your stomach or acid reflux. Lactic acid present in yogurt can cause discomfort or inflammation together with an empty stomach.
Nice source of nutrients – First of all, eating yogurt in the morning provides essential nutrients like calcium, protein and vitamin B quickly. Yogurt is rich in nutrients that help in the health and muscle repair of bones.
Hydrating and cooling – The amount of water in yogurt is high. Which helps in hydrating the body. Especially in hot weather, its natural cooling properties can reduce the heat of the body and prevent dehydration.
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Lactic acid: By eating curd on an empty stomach, the lactic acid present in it can increase stomach acidity.
Beneficial of low probiotic: Eating curd on an empty stomach is very good for the healthy bacteria.
Disclaimer: Here information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is important to tell here that No recognition, does not confirm the information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the concerned expert.
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