X cyber attack: On Monday (March 10) worldwide, including India, the server of Alan Musk’s social media platform X (Twitter) was down several times. Hacker Group Dark Storm Team took responsibility for cyber attack on X. The group told Telegram that it did the X’s server distributed Dinyl of Service (DDOS) and lowered it down.
The distributed dinyl of service (DDOS) is different from the attack hacking, but is a kind of cyber attack. In this, hackers send so much fake traffic to a website or server that they come to a standstill and the server of that website goes down. In this cyber attack, a large number of requests are sent to the server at the same time using many different computers or botnets, which stops working due to more load.
When did the Dark Storm team come into the discussions?
The ‘Dark Storm Team’, which takes the responsibility of down the X server from DDOS attack, is a notorious hacker group, which is a supporter of Palestine. This group has already done cyber attack on many government and private institutions. This came into the discussions when it threatened to have a cyber attack on NATO countries, Israel and its colleagues in February 2024. Hackers of this group are notorious worldwide to organize cyber attacks organized. In February last year, along with the other hacker group, it had down by attacking the DDOs of two big airports San Francisco and Los Angeles in the US. In October 2024, the server of John F. Kennedy Airport of New York was also down by attacking DDOS and down for a few minutes.
When was a cyber attack on X?
The server of X was down three times in India on Monday (March 10). For the first time, the post was seen quite late at around three in the afternoon, the second time around 7.20 pm and the third time at around 9.30 pm. After the server down, Alan Musk said that there was a cyber attack on X. He said that although one has to face daily attacks, but this time heavy resources have been used. It includes a big group or a big country.
Also read- Ukraine behind cyber attack on X! Alan Musk said- IP address was used there