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The fire that has been raging in California, America for the last several weeks, has once again flared up. This time there is a fire in Hughes, northern area of Los Angeles. About 10 thousand acres of area has been burnt due to the fire that broke out on Wednesday. Due to the fire, 50 thousand people have been asked to leave their homes.
4 thousand firefighters have been deployed to extinguish this fire near Caustic Lake. Here the winds are blowing at the speed of 45 km/hour.
Photos of the Hughes fire…

There have been more than 78 fires in California in the last 50 years.
There have been drought conditions in California for many years. There is lack of moisture in the area. Apart from this, this state is much hotter than other areas of America. This is the reason why forest fires often occur here during the summer season. This sequence continues until the rainy season arrives. However, in the last few years, incidents of fire have increased in every season.
In the last 50 years, there have been more than 78 fires in California’s forests. Residential areas near forests have increased in California. In such a situation, there is more loss in case of fire.
The 1933 Griffith Park fire in Los Angeles was California’s largest fire. It had engulfed an area of about 83 thousand acres. About 3 lakh people had to leave their homes and go to other cities.
Also read this news related to California fire…

As of January 14, 25 people had died in the fire that broke out in Los Angeles, America, while about 30 people are missing. According to news agency AP, 90 thousand people have been given emergency exit alert (alert to leave the city). Read the full news here…