Government and private schools are not showing interest in AparID
In Jhunjhunu, the responsible students of private and government schools are not showing interest in getting the Apar ID. The situation is that work on this has not yet started in 55 private and government schools of the district.
Not a single AAPAR ID has been made in these schools. Meanwhile, the education department has started preparations to take action against these schools.
It is noteworthy that about two and a half months ago, the School Education Council office had given information to the district level officials and block level officials through video conferencing on 25th September and 27th September regarding the excessive ID generation of students. In which it was also told how Apar ID generation will be done.
After this, detailed guidelines regarding Apar ID generation were also issued by the council office on 7th October, but due to no significant progress, a meeting was held with district level officers and block level officers and all concerned through video conferencing on 18th October. The Principal was instructed to complete the work of U-DICE 2024-25 100 percent and to speed up the work of Apar ID generation.
Despite this, the work of ID generation has not yet been started by 55 schools in Jhunjhunu.
No work was done in 55 schools
There are a total of 61 schools in Jhunjhunu district, including private and government, whose progress is 40 percent or less, out of which there are 55 schools in which till now the Aapdar ID of not a single student has been made.
What is Apar ID?
Apar ID will create a detailed and permanent record of the educational history of each student, which will include matriculation, mark sheet, certificates and other achievements. Each Apar student will have a unique 12-digit ID, which will be generated through the U-Dice Plus portal. To be done.
This ID will serve as a unique academic identity throughout the life of the student, which will help in tracking the academic progress of the student. This will help in bringing the children who have dropped out of schools back to schools. By linking Apar ID to DigiLocker, all the achievements of the student will be available at one place. Students will be able to get their academic documents from anywhere at any time. There will be smooth transition between educational institutions, at the time of applying for skills, jobs and higher education. Students’ documents will be updated real time. With Apar ID, it will be possible to monitor the Academic Credit Bank (ABC) of the students and the academic reviews and beneficial programs from all administrative levels.
notice has been given
District Education Officer Secondary Subhash Dhaka said that notice has been sent to all the schools by CBEO. Even after that, if work is not done on Apar ID, then action will be taken as per the department. Recognition may also be cancelled.
fact file
Total schools in Jhunjhunu 2245
government school 1234
private school 1011
total students 312455
no work done on these
government school 16
private school 39
total 55