Guillain Barre Syndrome This is how you can keep yourself safe following

Guillain Barre Syndrome Safety Tips: In today’s time, it has become very important to take care of health. Because many types of diseases are flourishing around us, spreading. After these days, many people are coming in the grip of Guleen Barry syndrome. More than 100 cases have come in Pune itself.

Many people do not even know much about this disease. Actually, let me tell you that Gulani Barry syndrome is a rare condition due to which suddenly it becomes numb in the body. And muscles become weak. Let us tell you what you should keep in mind to avoid Guleen Barry syndrome.

How to protect Guleen Barry syndrome?

These days, Gulani Barry syndrome is spreading very fast among the people. Actually Gulen Barry Syndrome (GBS) is a post-infection neurological disease. Which can seriously affect not only adults but also children. This is a very dangerous autoimmune disorder. To avoid this, you have to strengthen your immune system significantly.

For this you can take healthy diet. In which vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc are present in plenty. Along with this, you can eat food full of green vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts and protein. To keep your intestines healthy, you can also consume probiotic i.e. curd, buttermilk and kimchi.

Avoid these things

To avoid Guleen Barry syndrome, it is better to reduce the intake of external things and avoid eating junk food. Because the bunch that comes out is not correct as a quality. And there is no guarantee of purity of water there, so you should avoid eating food outside.

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Take special care of these things

Gulenn Barry syndrome occurs after bacterial infection. That is why there is a lot of cleanliness in it. That is why you must wash your hands before eating food. Wash hands even after eating food. And try to keep yourself hydrated as much as possible, keep drinking enough water.

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Take advice from doctor

If you feel tingling in your hands or numbness in your feet or you are having trouble walking. So this can be the early symptoms of Guleen Barry syndrome. In such a situation, immediately go to your doctor and consult properly.

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