Gurcharan singh banwait: Canadian media and political groups there have been glorifying a Canadian citizen named Gurcharan Singh Banavait for the last few days. Gurcharan is being described as a social worker and the bridges of his praise are being tied. On this, when ABP News investigated and investigated the record of this person, it was revealed that he is a Khalistan supporter under the guise of social service.
The case is such that on January 20, it was reported in the news of the Canadian government news channel (CBC) that Canadian citizen Gurcharan Singh Banveet, who arrived in India, was detained at the airport for 36 hours and then sent back to Canada. In this news, this government channel of Canada had also claimed that Gurcharan Singh Banavait is a social worker and keeping him into custody is part of India’s policy of blacklisting India’s Canadian Sikhs. After this, the political groups there also started targeting India.

Now it has come to light in the investigation of ABP that Gurcharan Singh is not only a pro -Khalistan but also a terrorist. He has been accused of trying to bomb Air India aircraft.
Gurcharan is active for 40 years
In a report in the US newspaper New York Times dated 31 May 1986, it was quoted by Associate Press that Canada’s security agencies arrested 5 people on charges of trying to bomb Air India aircraft in New York. It also included the name of 38 -year -old Gurcharan Singh Banveet. The New York Times also wrote in its report that these five accused could be related to Khalistani terrorist organization Babbar Khalsa.
These 5 accused including Gurcharan Singh Banavait were also prone to a case in the Canadian court, but they had to leave due to lack of evidence. Gurcharan Singh Banavait remained underground for many years after an attempt to blow up Air India with a bomb and did not come to India but after 2010 when he felt that India’s investigating agencies have lost their eyes on him, then he has lost his eyes on him After making India started coming and going.
‘Bihar becomes Khalistan’
Apart from being a supporter of Khalistani of Gurcharan Singh Banveet, evidence has also been found in India to promote Khalistan. On 4 January 2017, on the occasion of the 350th Prakashotsav of Sikh Guru Gurugobind Singh, Gurcharan Singh Banavait came to Patna, the capital of Bihar. Here he did Facebook live and kept his title ‘Bihar became Khalistan’. This video is still present on the Facebook account of Gurcharan Singh Banveet.
In the year 2016 too, Gurcharan Singh Banveet shared a post on Khalistan Referendum from his Facebook account and wrote, ‘Khalistan Zindabad (Kindabad)’. However, he later deleted this post.
Gurcharan Singh Banavait has been writing on social media, along with sharing the ideology of Khalistan as well as support of Pakistan and opposition to India. On 1 March 2019, Gurcharan Singh Banveet shared a video of Wing Commander Abhinandan on Facebook and wrote ‘Shame India’.
There are also many pictures of Gurcharan Singh Banveet going to Pakistan. He has also been welcomed there. In a picture, some Pakistani police officers have been seen taking pictures with him.
The question is also
The way Gurcharan Singh Banavait is accused of flying the aircraft and he keeps writing on social media in support of Khalistan, in such a situation, Indian agencies have concrete evidence against him. Surprisingly, despite anti-India efforts, how did he continue to come to India without any restriction. Gurcharan Singh Banavait came to India several times from 2010 to 2024 and also went to India’s famous comedy show in 2020. Not only this, Gurcharan Singh Banavait also has the Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card issued by the Government of India. In such a situation, the question arises that how did Indian intelligence agencies not noticed Gurcharan Singh Banavait for so many years?
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