Wearing high heels gives a perfect posture, looks tall and looks stylish. After wearing heels you definitely look confident but wearing them continuously can also cause many serious problems. But do you know that wearing high heels can have many serious consequences in the long run? This can cause anything from lower back pain to ankle sprain.
Can wearing high heels cause many types of harm to the body?
1. Lower back pain
High heels do not provide full support to your feet. Being overweight can cause many problems, causing swelling, aches and pains in the lower back.
2. Pain in foot
High heels attract a lot and are a symbol of style statement for many people. But no matter how attracted they are. High heels are uncomfortable. High heels cause pain in feet. You may experience severe pain in your heel, arch, sole or toes.
High heels improve your personality. At the same time, this can also cause many types of problems to the feet. Many times, people’s problems increase so much due to wearing high heels that they even have to undergo foot surgery. If you are also fond of wearing high heels, then definitely know about the disadvantages caused by them. Let us know the harm caused to the body by wearing high heels-
Disadvantages of wearing high heels
Wearing high heels can cause foot pain as well as knee pain. Apart from this, many other types of problems can occur due to this, such as-
There may be a problem of pain in the legs
Wearing high heels for hours can cause pain in the feet. Actually, wearing high heels causes strain in the muscles, which can cause pain in the feet as well as pain in the ankles, waist and hips.
There may be pain in the knees
Wearing high heels puts pressure on your spine, which can also affect your knees. In such a situation, if you have to wear high heels continuously for several days or hours, it can cause pain in the knees.
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There is a risk of fracture
There is also a risk of fracture from wearing high heels. Due to this, bones of legs, waist and hips may break. Apart from this, posture can also get spoiled. Therefore, if your bones are weak then wear high heels with caution.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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