Hina Khan said that early cancer symptoms were visible during the shooting. But he ignored. He said that if you recognize the initial signal of cancer in time. So it can be treated easily. Sometimes there are some such things in our body. Which we often ignore and ignore it. But when we feel that a doctor should be consulted, then its results are very serious.
Hina is struggling with third stage of breast cancer
Especially such things occur during serious diseases like cancer. If this disease is identified at the right time, then its treatment is absolutely possible. As you know, Hina Khan is undergoing treatment for stage-3 breast cancer. He spoke openly about his illness. Recently, filmmaker Farah Khan’s YouTube channel reached Hina as a guest. Hina Khan spoke openly on the entire journey of her illness and treatment. Hina Khan told that she is coming from the radiation session. Hina said that her eyelids started falling due to the effect of chemotherapy. Now start coming back. Cancer patients often lose their hair as well as their eyebrows and eyelids.
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Hina Khan said that cancer symptoms were seen during the shooting
Talking about the early symptoms of cancer, Hina Khan said that I was getting so much that something was wrong. But I did not want to leave the shooting and get my investigation done because I did not think it was serious … I assumed that this is just a minor infection and I refused to do the test.
Hina says that many times it happens that people often ignore such symptoms in the process of fulfilling their responsibilities. But it is very important that you give more importance to your life. Ignoring symptoms or delay in medical tests can give serious consequences. Especially in diseases like cancer, where the results of treatment are improved to a great extent by detecting time.
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