Hindus in Pakistan Army: India’s neighboring country Pakistan has a population of about 24 crores. Pakistan is known as the fifth most populous country in the world. More than 90 percent of the total population of Pakistan is Muslims. The number of people following Sunni Islam is high. Whereas the number of people following Shia Islam is at second place. At the same time, according to the 2022 report of the Center for Peace and Justice, the number of Hindus in the total population of Pakistan is only 1.18 percent.
To become President in Pakistan it is necessary to be a Muslim
Muslims dominate the population of Pakistan. At the same time, there is also a good population of religious minorities. Which includes Hindus, Sikhs and people of other religions. It is noteworthy that the qualification for a candidate to become the President of Pakistan also includes his being a Muslim.
When did the recruitment of Hindus start in Pakistani Army?
Initially Hindus could not join the Pakistan Army. However, recruitment of Hindus in Pakistani Army started from the year 2000. In 2006, Captain Danish became the first Hindu officer to serve in the Pakistani Army. According to the report of Global Fire Power, there are 6.54 lakh active and about 5 lakh reserve forces in the Pakistani Army.
At present, there is information about 200 Hindu soldiers in Pakistan Army. This figure was in the year 2022 when two Hindu soldiers were promoted in the Pakistan Army. In this, Major Dr. Kailash Kumar and Major Dr. Anil Kumar were promoted to the post of Lieutenant Colonel. The data after this has not been released yet.
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