Another case of HMPV has come to light in Mumbai on Wednesday. At least eight HMPV cases have been reported so far across India. Amid increasing cases of respiratory diseases, the central government has advised the states to increase surveillance. Jharkhand Health Minister Dr Irfan Ansari on Wednesday directed the health department to remain vigilant to prevent the spread of HMPV across the state. He asked officials to deploy medical teams for strict surveillance at railway stations and airports across the state. Also asked to do.
Dr. Ansari said in a press release, the virus is slightly dangerous for people between 5 and 70 years of age. Its symptoms are similar to Covid-19. He has directed health officials to deploy medical teams at railway stations, airports and other important places to monitor and investigate possible cases. On Monday, two cases were reported from Bengaluru, Karnataka. Whereas in Gujarat, the third case tested positive after being admitted to the hospital. This development has happened at a time when China and other countries are battling a major outbreak of viral fever and pneumonia.
What is human metapneumovirus?
HMPV is a common respiratory disease. In this, a virus enters the respiratory tract which causes infection in the lower and upper respiratory tract. This is not a new discovery and cases have been reported from different countries in the last few years. There is no specific antiviral treatment for HMPV and prevention is the cornerstone to controlling its spread.
Symptoms and prevention of HMPV virus
Common symptoms of HMPV infection include cough, cold, fever etc. In some cases, infection can also cause shortness of breath and nasal congestion.
HMPV virus prevention
To prevent HMPV infection, people should take care of some special things. Like people should wash their hands regularly, maintain social distance, wear masks. If you see symptoms related to HMPV. So you are also advised to stay isolated.
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Dr. Khilnani said that this virus quickly affects children below two years of age and the elderly. The period of this virus is three to six days. Its only symptoms are fever, cold and cough. It quickly affects those people whose immunity is weak. Such people may also have to be admitted to ICU.
According to Dr. Khilnani, there is no vaccine for human metapneumovirus. At the same time, we also do not have its anti-viral drug. Its treatment is according to the symptoms. This is the reason why in all the cases that have come to light so far, the patient is being treated based on symptoms.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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