The events that took place in South Korea on December 3 last year, in which South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol created a state of emergency by imposing martial law. The basis given for imposing Marshal in South Korea was that threats from North Korea had increased and anti-state forces had plotted against the nation. With this argument, martial law was imposed. But, if we examine the reality, President Yeol’s move to impose martial law was due to domestic failures. They did this because of their greed for power to save their political position.
Along with this, there were many allegations of corruption against him and his wife. On the domestic front, President Yeol was becoming increasingly surrounded. In such a situation, martial law was imposed to bring disgrace to the post, but after the imposition of martial law, huge protests started in South Korea on the same night i.e. on 3rd December.
In the National Assembly of South Korea, the MPs there showed their presence with full determination and gathered despite all the obstacles and rejected this martial law. Within a few hours, President Yeol had to withdraw from this step due to the rejection of this martial law by the Parliament and reversed the decision to impose martial law.
Martial law and protests
There were huge protests against President Yeolka in South Korea and demands for his arrest had started since then. Amidst all this, a motion for impeachment was brought against him. Although there was a proposal for impeachment earlier, it could not pass. But South Korean lawmakers again brought an impeachment motion against him and it was passed."text-align: justify;">Continuous efforts were being made to arrest President Yeol Hae and an earlier attempt was also made, which was foiled by the Gods of the Presidential Security Services. Before Yeol’s arrest, a large number of security agency officials had arrived. This arrest became possible after around a thousand security personnel arrived.
This entire matter is being investigated by higher officials related to corruption. There is a possibility that Yeol’s arrest period will extend for a long time. There is a case of treason against him, under which this arrest has been made.
President Yeol in trouble
The Constitutional Court of South Korea is currently investigating whether President Yeol should be permanently removed from his post or his judicial power should be restored. But there is a strong possibility that the decision of the Constitutional Court will come in this favor, in which he will be permanently removed from his post.
Obviously, South Korean President Yeol’s decision to impose martial law was a step that completely endangered the democracy of South Korea. He put the entire nation in trouble just to save himself from the allegations of corruption due to personal reasons and greed for power.
For this reason, Yeol is facing a treason case. In this context, they may also have to face heavy punishments. President Yeol has become the first sitting president in the entire history of South Korea to be arrested while still in office. This is a very shameful moment for him and in a way his political career has come to an end. There is a strong possibility that they may be given heavy punishment.
The kind of determination that South Korea’s lawmakers showed to save their country’s democracy, the way they gathered in the National Assembly overnight and stood against the entire martial law and repealed it, clearly shows that South Korea’s Democracy is resilient and robust. The people of South Korea will not tolerate any threat to South Korea’s democracy.
Secondly, while the lawmakers in the National Assembly were voting to repeal the martial law proposal, common citizens were gathered in large numbers on the streets of Korea.
[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. यह ज़रूरी नहीं है कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही ज़िम्मेदार है.]