The orbit of the ISS revolves around the Earth, due to which the crew there sees the sun rise and set every 90 minutes. This will give Sunita and her companions a rare opportunity to see sunrise and sunset 16 times in a day.
The occasion was celebrated in a post on the official social media handle of ISS. The post read, “As 2024 comes to an end, the crew of Exp 72 will experience 16 sunrises and sunsets during the New Year. Here are photos of sunsets taken from the space station over the years.”
Sunita Williams and her crew observed 16 sunrises and sunsets on New Year’s Eve while orbiting the Earth, which was an amazing experience of living in space. This sight will definitely be an unforgettable moment.
Sunita Williams is working on ISS from June 2024. Initially their mission was for 8 days, but due to technical reasons it has been extended and now this mission will continue till March 2025.
Sunita said that she loves the Christmas festival and the experience of preparation and collective joy in celebrating it is very special. He told that the best part of this time is when everyone gets together and prepares for the holidays.
Sunita and her crew expressed gratitude to the team on the ground working in space. Sunita said that this team is working in Global Mission Controls and their mission is possible only because of their hard work and sacrifice.
Sunita and her crew also celebrated Christmas in space during this mission. In the video shared by NASA, it was seen that the crew was dressed in festive attire preparing a Christmas tree and decorations on the space station.
Published at : 01 Jan 2025 03:09 PM (IST)