Often we avoid using public toilets. Because they remain very dirty. The idea of having germs on the toilet seat in office, hotel or restaurant is probably why many people spend at least time there. Public toilet is not maintained properly. Due to which the risk of infection in it is very high. Only sitting on the dirty toilet seat can lead to bacteria or viral infection. What infections can you get from the toilet seat. We will talk about this in detail.
E. Koli or Estherichia Koli
E. Koli is a bacteria that can be found in stool. Maternity and gynecologist Dr. Sveta MP says. If it comes in contact with mucous membrane or enters your body, it can cause gastrointestinal problems.
This is a bacteria that can cause dirt in food. It can be present on the seats of the public toilet and you can be infected due to stool contamination. The bacteria usually found in the toilet are influenza, hepatitis, e. Coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Shigella, Salmonella and Norovirus. Let us know which five infections you can be a victim of your toilet seat.
Urinary tract infection (uti): If people are at risk of being the most UTI from somewhere, then that is their toilet seat. The bacteria on the dirty toilet seat can enter your body. In UTI germs also infect the bladder, urethra and sometimes kidney. To avoid these, it is necessary to clean the toilet seat.
Bacterial vaginosis: There is an infection in which the amount of bacteria in the vagina increases. Because of this, there is a risk of vagina being infected. Women have to face itching and burning in the vagina due to bacterial veginosis.
Prosthetitis: Due to dirty toilet seat, men may have to face prostatitis. The prostate of men is swollen due to infection caused by bacteria. Because of this, they have to face pain. Infection causes pain in places like genitals, waist and they also have symptoms like flu.
STD: If the toilet seat is dirty, then it can also give you a disease like STD. It is not that this disease can only be from the public toilet, but the toilet of the house can also be responsible for STDs. However, the risk of spreading STD in this way is very low. It usually spreads through skin exposure to the skin.
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Candidiasis: Candidiasis can occur in women due to increase in yeast in vagina. If a woman is using dirty toilet, then there is a greater risk of this infection on her.
Overall, if you want to avoid these diseases or infections, then the best will be that you keep your toilet clean. Try to clean the toilet seat everyday. For this, you can use cliners present in the market.
Disclaimer: Here information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is important to tell here that Abplive.com No recognition, does not confirm the information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the concerned expert.
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