Kathal Health Benefits Hindi: This vegetable is the father of protein powder … I only get in summer, will make diabetes from blood pressure to diabetes in minutes!

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Kathal Health Benefits Hindi: To stay healthy, only protein powder is not eaten. You can also become healthy by eating this magical vegetable.




  • Jackfruit contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Jackfruit is beneficial in asthma, heart, blood pressure, diabetes.
  • Sweet raw jackfruit vegetable and ripe jackfruit.

Kathal health benefits hindi: Many vegetables found in the summer season are very beneficial for health. Jackfruit is also one such Indian fruit, which is used in two ways. First when it is small, then make its vegetable. So it becomes sweet when cooked there. Jackfruit rich in medicinal properties is very beneficial for our health. Because it has plenty of antioxidant properties. Which are very effective in keeping our body fit.

Dr. Akanksha Dixit, Ayush Medical Officer of Rae Bareli, explained local 18 about the benefits of jackfruit.

Benefits of eating jackfruit
She says that jackfruit rich in antioxidant properties is mainly found in India. It is a tropical fruit. It contains plenty of vitamins (A, C) thiamine, potassium, calcium, iron and zinc, fiber. Which are effective in keeping our body healthy.

It is beneficial in these diseases
By consuming jackfruit, we get rid of asthma, heart disease, blood pressure, diabetes, anemia and diseases related to bones. The digestive system remains healthy. Also, it is effective in strengthening the immunity of our body. This is the best source of iron, which is most effective for men as well as women.

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How to consume
According to Dr. Akanksha Dixit, jackfruit can be used in two ways. The first raw jackfruit can also be consumed for vegetable, dumplings, pickles and ripe jackfruit. Because it is sweet when cooked, which is very tasty to eat.


This vegetable is the father of protein powder … I get only in summer, know the benefits

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