Mobile addiction is increasing ‘dopamine’ in children aged 2 to 11 years. Experts say that children are coming under its influence and are spending more and more time on mobile phones. Due to this, diseases like cervical and depression, which occur after the age of 40, occur at an early age.
Regarding this, Bhaskar tried to know the cases of mobile addiction from JLN’s Psychiatry Department, Physical Medical and Rehabilitation Department and HOD of Ophthalmology Department.
Experts say- Dopamine has been defined as the hormone of happiness. But, if this hormone of happiness becomes an addiction then it is harmful for the body. Due to mobile addiction, children are suffering from diseases like hyperactive disorder, text next syndrome and dyspnea. Where earlier there were 3 to 4 cases, now these cases have increased to 15 to 20. Due to excessive use of mobile, children are facing problems like neck pain and numbness of hands.

First know what is dopamine
Dr. Mahendra Jain, HOD, Psychiatry Department, JLN Hospital, Ajmer, says – Dopamine is a reward hormone. Which works like waves in our body. It increases in 1 second and also decreases in 1 second. Now to understand it in simple words, it is at its peak when we go for a walk or eat any food of our choice. This hormone is the most active among all the drug addicts. Similarly, mobile addiction is like this, this hormone gives children a reward (happiness) by spending time on the phone. Gradually children get addicted to it. Which gives rise to many diseases. Talking about idle time, children should not be allowed to use the phone for more than 1 hour. That too, when it is absolutely necessary.

start considering family as enemy
HOD Dr. Mahendra Jain says- The use of mobile has increased during the time of Corona. Parents are also giving phones to their children as per their convenience. We come across such cases in which the child becomes irritable as well as aggressive towards his own family. The person who does not give the mobile starts considering him as his enemy. That is, the dopamine present in his body is giving him pleasure by watching the mobile reel. Every day more than 20 parents come to us for consultation with such complaints.
Case 1-
16 year old topper becomes victim of addiction
Dr. Mahendra Jain told that in the month of January this year, the family had brought a 16-year-old minor studying in class 11th. He is from a renowned school in Ajmer. She has also topped in 10th class. But, after coming in 11th class, she had become a bit lethargic. She was not interested in going to school. When the phone was not received, she would start crying, pretending as if she was not getting any essential item.
After this, when she was counseled, it was revealed that she had started using the phone late at night. She used to talk to her friends on social media and found happiness in this. She didn’t even feel like going to school and was getting depressed. Started failing in subjects. After 6 months of counselling, she now feels normal.

Case 2-
IT expert didn’t realize he was addicted to mobile
Dr. Jain said- Many times it happens among the youth that they do not know the reason for depression and anxiety. Gradually work performance begins to decline, headaches and irritability begin to occur. Dr. Jain says- A young IT engineer came to him in the month of August. Presently he is working in Gurgaon. His performance started declining for some time. He was feeling depressed inside. The output in the job also started decreasing.
One thing I caught during counseling was discussing the project with the client on mobile till late night. Because of this he was facing problems. After all, this was his job but the problem of depression was coming from here. Working youth are falling prey to sleeping disorders after long meetings or discussions. They are considering it as a disease. But, after counselling, when their working pattern is understood, it becomes clear that somewhere or the other they have become victims of mobile addiction. They think this is their job. But, all this happens by staying connected to the mobile. After this, after one and a half month of counselling, he has now got relief from depression.

Dr said – using mobile late at night is dangerous
Dr. Jain said that considering the present environment, it is very important for every person to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. It is important to sleep on time. No one should sleep during the day. One should stay away from multi-tasking. After counseling all the children, it is revealed that this is happening due to excessive mobile usage. Using mobile till late night is the biggest mistake.
One should stop using mobile after 9 pm. After 10 o’clock, the neurotransmitter of the brain, which is called sleep hormone. He repeatedly tells the brain that it is time to sleep, it should go to sleep. So that the brain can get complete rest. But, many children and youth ignore it and use mobile phones. Due to which the sleep pattern gets disturbed. If this continues for a long time, it results in reduction in performance.

Cervical problems at young age – Text Next Syndrome
Cervical problems have been reported in the PMR unit of JLN for some time in children aged between 8 to 15 years. Children use mobile phones while lying on the sofa, bed or sitting on a chair with their neck on one side. Due to this, cervical problems are increasing at an early age.
Dr. Preeti, HOD of PMR department, said that children suffering from cervical pain are coming to JLN every day. In which about 3 to 4 children up to 8 years of age and 7-8 children between 12 to 15 years of age suffer from cervical pain every day. Who have symptoms like neck pain, eye irritation and fatigue. This is called Text Next Syndrome disease. In which neck pain starts when the mobile is used in the same position.

Child becomes aggressive due to PUBG
Dr. Preeti told that a 13 year old child had come to her. Who had cervical problems along with psychiatric problems. He became aggressive by playing PUBG game in regular mobile. He started running away from home and was also stealing. Who was made healthy through counselling.
Dr. Preeti told that along with this, another patient had come with neck pain. Who had no mobility at all in his spine. Which is clearly called back arthritis. When it was investigated, all the reports were found negative. The treatment of that child is continuing.

glasses are being worn at a young age
Dr. Rakesh Porwal, HOD of Ophthalmology Department of JLN Hospital, said that one should use book, computer or laptop for reading also. Children aged between 14 to 18 years can use mobile for a maximum of one hour. He said that school teachers and principals are sending homework to children on mobile phones, it is necessary to stop it. Children are becoming more active on social media on the pretext of homework. Also, games are also being played more on mobile. Due to which his eyes are being affected. Mobile phones should not be given to children below one and a half years of age under any circumstances. Whereas for children between 18 months to 2 years, mobile phones can be used only for video calls. Children aged 2 to 5 years should have screen time of less than 1 hour.