Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra have been married since December 2018. Malti Marie In January 2022. Priyanka and nick are doting parents and that can be seen trust malti have reminded their center of their world ever since. While they could be celebs outside, for the world and feel the coolest, Nick Reveals how he’s just a dad at home to malti.
In a recent interview, he spoke about being dad to the little girl. He said in a chat with people, “The best part about being a dad for me and balance things like this work stuff – and this is hardly work – is that that you could feel like your coolest self on top of the work Care at all. She wants to play Moana and maui With me, and that means more to me than anything else, is that time with her. And just the fact that i’m just dad when i’m home, it means a lot. “
In another interview, nick has revised what malti calls the band of ‘Jonas brothers’. Nick said, “My Daughter is someone aware. I said,, ya, we are in a band, it’s called the Jonas brothersShe Said, ‘The Donut Brothers’. “
Earlier, Priyanka Had Reveled that Ever Since Malti was born, they make sure that Atleast one of them is with malti all the time, when the other person is away for work. While they continue to balance work with beautifully, malti continues to remain their priority.