The case of religion is not of debate. In Hindi, religion is not a discussion but a field of karma. Those who do karma do not argue on religion and with their implementation, they can be understood and read by seeing religion by their karma. The tragedy of our time is that where religion should have been there, that is, in the heart, from there, social media channels etc. have come. Anyone starts to gain fame by giving a direct statement on anything. Media also often lifts them on the head in the race of TRP. & Nbsp;
Now this, which is coming to the name of a sahib with Shami, whose name is not necessary that it will be his name. By the way, these sir has not only shown ignorance from religion, but he probably does not know about this game, which is not known that this game is played among thousands of crowds in the open sky. & Nbsp;
Many religious gurus also quoted the Qur’an and Hadith as saying that in many circumstances you are allowed to keep fast. In which sick, elderly, traveler, women passing through menstruation and pregnant women etc. are also included. In such a situation, Muhammad Shami, who is playing for the champion trophy in Dubai, away from his country, then he is directly exempted that he is on the journey. Apart from this, he is associated with a sport where his nation’s Daromdar rests on his performance in his game. Cricket is not a ludo or carrom that you sit in one place and play.
It has a rush of fifty over consecutive overs. This race also includes your own overs, in which you have to bring a long run up. Sweating comes out and if you are on fast, then you will also feel more thirsty. Anyway, the surzmin of Arabia sweats more blood. In such a situation, if Shami does not keep fast, then in this he has not insulted his religion, but religion has resorted to what he has given him in this regard. When Muhammad Shami comes back to his country to India, he can keep this fasting (fasting) and if he is not in a position to keep it fast for some reason, then he can also feed it by feeding the poor. We have understood and read this from many religious gurus. & Nbsp;
The question is that the questioner will not know the questioning of taking energy drinks during Shami’s match, which even the ignorant of us knows who has not taken any degree in religion. Despite this, if he questions this, then it can mean that he is either doing this for his fame or is included in those who have been trying to weaken the team by questioning the Indian cricketers before and recently."Text-Align: justify;"> The good thing is that Muhammad Shami has got a strong support of many religious gurus and Muslim intellectuals are also encouraging them. Javed Akhtar, by saying that Muhammad Shami does not pay attention to the staunch fools and he encourages him to be in the Indian team. & Nbsp;
Muhammad Shami has returned to the Indian team after one time and he also has a big responsibility as an important bowler of the Indian team. Bringing such a player under pressure from such things is neither in the right of Muhammad Shami nor in the right of the Indian cricket team. Perhaps the one who does this will not want to contribute to Muhammad Shami in India’s victory.
If Shami cannot play in the condition of fast and his body does not allow it, then he can leave the fast due to being in the journey. That is why it does not seem justified to create so much honey on this. That too when the Quran has come to Sura-e-Bawra of Sharif that "La Ekraha Fiddin" That is, there is no force in the humble. This is the case between Muhammad Shami and his Allah. The Allah who is Rahman (compassionate) and Rahim (Dayalu). Rabbul Alamin (all the worlds are Palanhar, God, Rab, Donor).
[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. यह ज़रूरी नहीं है कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही ज़िम्मेदार है.]& nbsp;