China Pakistan News: Pakistan has often plotted against India along with China. Pakistan is unable to deal with the terrorist attacks happening in Balochistan, due to which it has now done a new trick. The Government of Pakistan has allocated more than 5000 acres of land to the Chinese army in Southern Balochistan. However, instead of Pakistan, Pakistan has tied up with China to develop the entire region. Former Pakistani Army officer Adil Raza has claimed this.
Dangerous for India in terms of security
It is being told that the land given by Pakistan to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will establish the Navy and Ayport on it. If this happens, then it can prove dangerous from the point of view of India’s opinion. China has already built a port in Gwadar and now another new naval port will be planned to make India in mind. The place given by Pakistan to China is located about 70 km from Gwadar.
China will benefit big
The former Pakistani military officer said a post on X, “About seven years ago, Chinese State Television had reported a signing of an agreement with Pakistan on similar development in the Jivani region of Balochistan.” If China strengthens its grip in this area, then it will completely control the hormuz of the world’s most important Chokpoints.
Airport has been built in Gwadar
Pakistan and China had signed a China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) agreement in 2015, under which it was said to build a port, airport in China Gwadar. However, Gadawar Airport was not of any use to Pakistan. Even though the government of Pakistan is calling it its achievement, but the ground reality is that when the aircraft landing was made here for the first time, the lockdown was installed in the entire area. The movement of common man was banned.
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