Pakistan will soon get nuclear submarine in year 2028 claim by former navy officer

Pakistan Nuclear Submarine: Pakistan is accelerating its efforts to strengthen its navy. The country’s main focus is on developing nuclear submarines. A former Pakistani Navy officer has claimed that Pakistan can join the list of countries having nuclear submarines by 2028. However, it has not been made clear whether it will be a ballistic missile submarine or a nuclear powered attack submarine. His statement has increased curiosity at the global level regarding the modernization of Pakistan Navy.

Retired Commodore Obaidullah of Pakistan Navy said during a discussion on a private channel that Pakistan Navy already has the capability of retaliatory nuclear attack. With this, Pakistan has joined the group of select countries which have this strategic power. Currently only 7 countries have this capability, which includes India.

The capability of retaliatory nuclear attack is considered an important part of a country’s defense strategy. Its purpose is to ensure that if a country’s primary nuclear force is damaged, it can still retaliate. Under this strategy, nuclear attack from submarine is an important aspect.

Advanced submarines in collaboration with China
Obaidullah informed that Pakistan has signed an agreement with China for the construction of 8 advanced submarines. Of these, 4 submarines are being built in Pakistan, while the remaining 4 are being built in China. These submarines have been equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and technology. He said that these new submarines can pose a challenge to the Indian Navy.

Acknowledgment of the strength of the Indian Navy
Obaidullah, while acknowledging the power of the Indian Navy during the discussion, said that at the time of independence, the ratio of the navies of Pakistan and India was 1:4. Presently it has increased to 1:5. He also believed that Pakistan cannot spend big on its navy like India.

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