Archana Puran Singh Shared A New Vlog on Her YouTube Channel, Once Again Featuring Her Husband, Parmeet Sethi. In the latest video, she spoke about her sons being away on international trips. While Ayushmaan Embarked on his first solo trip to paris, aaryamann enjoyed a getaway to the maldives with his friends. With both of them set to return to Mumbai song, an excited Archana prepared her special dahi paneer as a surprise treatment for them.
Archana’s special homemade paneer
She began her vlog by making fresh paneer at home, while her husband, parmeet sethi, playfully teased her in the kitchen. After preparation the paneer, she shared her special recipe with viewers.
Ayushmaan’s paris tour
As she cooked, archana also included clips from her son ayushmaan’s solo trip to paris. In the video, ayushmaan talked about his stay and his visit to disneyland, and other popular tourist spots he explred during his trip. She Said, “Ayushmaan took his first solo international trip with his hard-earned money.”
Parmeet teases her
As Archana returns to the kitchen, parmeet unn’t resist Joking about her cooking skills. Annoyed by His Remarks, She Quipped, “For the Hindth Time, I am thoroughly irritated with this man. Please, someone, take him away from me, I will share the address with you.”
Aaryamann’s Thrilling Maldives Experience
Archana then shifted the focus to her second son, aaryamann, sharing clips from his Maldives TripWhile enjoying the serene beach life, aaryamann also took on an adventurous challenge, overcoming his fear of sharks by diving into the sea.
Family dinner
Finally, the family gathered Around for Dinner, Enjoying Archana’s Homemade Meal. However, the playful teasing continued as parmeet and their sons jokingly commented on the food. Further, He Playfully Asked His Father, “is the paneer okay? Is your bahu approved? I will not do not divorce her?”