Rajasthan Chili Farming; Banswara Farmer Success Story | Masotiya Village | Mirchi village of Rajasthan, every farmer family is a millionaire: Trend has not changed for 80 years, chillies here are in demand across the country – Banswara News

A village in Banswara district is recognized throughout the country for its chilli. The spiciness of the chillies here further enhances the taste of the food. That’s why buyers from other states also come here. Chefs of five star hotels and restaurants also like the chilli here.


Masotiya village, about 18 kilometers away from the city, has been famous for chillies since before independence. Although chillies are produced in Mewat, Shekhawati and Marwar regions of Rajasthan, the chillies grown in Masotia have a different identity among them. Because the land of Banswara is very fertile. The soil, water and climate of this district are suitable for chilli cultivation. Every farmer of this village is financially strong due to chilli cultivation.

Masotiya village of Talwara Panchayat Samiti in Banswara district. The population here is about 5 thousand.

Village Masotiya is situated on the state highway going from Banswara city to Dungarpur. Chilli cultivation here is no less than a tradition for the farmers. Here, farmers have been cultivating chilli along with other crops for the last 80 years. If a farmer has 2 bighas of land then he definitely sows chilli in one bigha.

Regarding this we informed the village sarpanch Waleg Bhai Talked to. He said- Green chilli has become the identity of Masotiya village. Farmers cultivate chilli from generation to generation. The soil of this village is such that there is bumper production of chilli.

This time the season is good, every farmer is getting profit

Even if a farmer has 20 bighas of land, he still plants chilli crop in one and a half bighas. Chilli season runs from September to February. In these seven-eight months, every farmer producing chilli becomes a millionaire. From here chilli goes to other states along with the local Banswara market.

Sarpanch said – Every farmer produces 15 to 20 quintals from one bigha in a season. They earn good income from this. It can be said that chilli has changed the fortunes of the farmers of this area. During the season, farmers get profits in cash. There are around 250 houses in the village. Of these, more than 180 families cultivate chilli.

In the cultivation of green chillies, the work of plucking is very laborious. Women’s participation in this farming is also quite high.

What is the process from planting saplings to making decisions?

Farmer Bharat Patel said – In our village, farmers mainly bring chilli seeds of Sujanta, Avtaar, Colors and Namdhari, Kalash, Tejas and VNR varieties. This seed becomes available in the market. This chilli is spicy. Along with daily vegetables, it is also used in pickles.

To prepare a nursery, 500 grams of ordinary variety seeds and 250 grams of hybrid seeds per hectare are sufficient. To prepare the nursery, we mix 50 grams of phorate medicine with two-three baskets of vermi compost or rotten cow dung in the soil of the bed.

The bed is raised 15 cm above the normal surface so that water does not stagnate in the roots. One day before sowing the seeds, carbon-dazim medicine is dissolved in water and poured into the bed. After this, one cm deep drains are made in the bed. The distance between the two drains is kept at 5 cm.

After sowing the seeds in the bed, cover it with dry grass, paddy straw or leaves. 10 days after the seeds germinate, copper oxy-chloride medicine is dissolved in water and sprayed. When the plant is 25 days old, it is planted in the field.

The farmer said- If there is less rainfall then irrigation is required in chilli at an interval of 15 days. If the soil is loamy, then irrigation is done in 12 days and if the soil is sloping, then irrigation is done in 10 days. It is important to keep in mind that water should not stagnate in the chilli crop. Otherwise the fruits start falling.

Plant produces chilli for 7 months

Village farmer Kering Patel said- All the farmers in this village cultivate chilli. Our grandfathers and great grandfathers also used to grow chillies. Masotiya chilli is in special demand. The taste of chilli here is also different. Something more spicy.

He told- The sapling is ready in the nursery in a month. When saplings are planted in the field from the nursery, a distance of 75 cm is kept between the two rows. The distance from plant to plant is kept around 45 cm. The plant is sown 2 cm deep.

Chillies start growing in two to two and a half months after planting in the field. Chillies are harvested twice a month. When the plant grows well, it produces chillies for 7-8 months.

Every farmer of Masotiya village is getting good production of chilli this time.

Cost 40 thousand rupees per bigha

Waleng, a farmer of Masotiya village, said – At this time (December) the season is at its peak. In such a situation, laborers have to be hired for harvesting. 10 rupees are given per kg of chilli plucked. Apart from this, about 40 thousand rupees per bigha is spent on fertiliser, seeds, irrigation, weeding and fare for transporting the vegetable in bags to the market etc. This farming continues for 6 months. After the one-time cost, profits are earned in cash as the harvest takes place. Every farmer makes a profit of one to two lakh rupees per bigha in a season.

The season is at its peak in December. Rural farmer woman harvesting green chillies.

Agriculture officer said – farmers of nearby villages were also inspired

Pankaj Charpota, agriculture supervisor and assistant agriculture officer of Masotiya, said – Farmers of the area cultivate chilli traditionally from generation to generation. Due to this, farmers are getting good income. Now farmers of other villages have also started taking interest in chilli cultivation.

The sandy-black soil here is suitable for chilli cultivation. The climate here is also humid. If there is no frost in winter, there is bumper production. The temperature should also not go above 40. Otherwise chillies start falling from the plant. The special thing about the chilli of Masotiya village is that it does not spoil for 21 days after being packed. They are used extensively for pickles.

Content Collaboration- Sanjay Patel, Badalia. ,

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