Russian Spy Ship Comes Under Fire | Russia’s detective ship was hit by fire: accident near the coast of Syria; Fire for 4 hours, control also lost

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Russia’s detective ship Keldin was hit by fire on 23 January last month. According to news agency AP, the accident took place near the coast of Syria. A man on the Russian ship also warned other ships to stay away from the radio.

In the radio message received by AP, the person said, “Our ship is in crisis, please maintain distance.” Apart from this, warning another ship, he said, our ship is in your direction. I do not have control over this, it is flowing.

According to the report, smoke bubbers and flames were rising from the Russian ship. These are recorded by a ship of a member country of NATO.

Three military officers shared these pictures with AP. In these, the fire on the ship can be seen.

Fire for 4 hours

This detective ship of Russia is to monitor the activities of Nato in the Mediterranean Sea. Before the fire, it was monitoring Turkish naval exercises.

According to the report, the fire continued to burn on the ship for at least 4 hours. The ship’s crew removed the covers of lifeboats. However, he was not lowered in water.

The crew later acquired control over the ship. It is currently gathering intelligence information near the port in Syria.

It also has a frigate and a supply ship. However, the cause of the fire is not clear.

Russia did not give information on the incident

Russian officials have not given any report on the fire incident. Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov said that he had no information about the fire on ‘Kildin’. He dismissed that the incident had any negative impact on the preparations for the Russian Navy.

Peshkav said,

It is not right to assess the capacity of the entire Navy based on just one ship malfunction.

According to Vice Admiral Mitchell Olhagarai, former head of France’s High Military Studies Center, Kildin may have been withdrawn, but it has exposed the logistic challenges of the Russian Navy. Especially, the maintenance of the fleet for Russia in the Mediterranean Sea has become extremely complicated, as it is far from its Arctic and Baltic locations.

In addition, the Turkas have banned the movement of Russian warships in the Mediterranean Sea from Black C due to the Ukraine War, weakening Russia’s strategic position.

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