Satya Nadella Said, Microsoft to invest $3 billion in cloud & AI in India | Microsoft will invest ₹ 25,722 crore in cloud-AI business in India: Company’s CEO Satya Nadella announced, said- there is a lot of potential in AI in India


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  • Satya Nadella Said, Microsoft To Invest $3 Billion In Cloud & AI In India

New Delhi6 minutes ago

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Microsoft Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Satya Nadella on January 7 (Tuesday) announced an investment of $ 3 billion i.e. Rs 25,722 crore in its cloud and Artificial Intelligence (AI) business in India. Satya Nadella has made this announcement in the Bengaluru phase of Microsoft AI Tour.

The announcement has been made as part of the company’s efforts to help make India an AI-first nation. Nadella had earlier said that he believed there was great potential in AI in India.

Satya Nadella had also said that he wants software giant Microsoft to play a supporting role in reaping the benefits of this rapidly expanding technology.

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