Low sperm count signs : Defective lifestyle and catering is spoiling men’s sperm quality. According to the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction, 10–14% of Indian men and women have a problem of infertility. One out of every 15 Indian couple is struggling with this problem.
The reason for this is the reason for the amount of sperm count, its quality and the life of sperm is reduced. Infertility in men means that they are not able to become a father. In such a situation, the question arises as to why the sperm count is becoming less, how it is known that it has reduced.
The biggest reasons for decreasing sperm count
Bad lifestyle
Fast food
Keep mobile in pocket
What should be sperm count
Professor Hegai Levine at Hebrew University in Jerusalem says that having less than 4 crore sperm in a ml semen is usually a problem of infertility. In 2022, a research of Levine was revealed, in which the global trend was told about the sperm count. According to this, from 1973 to 2018, the sperm count declined at the rate of 1.2% annually, which has fallen from 10.4 crores to 4.9 crore per milliliter. The decline from 2020 declined by 2.6% annually. This is happening due to catering, living and changing environment.
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How to check sperm count
You can check your sperm with a sperm test kit sitting at home. However, it only shows how much the sperm count is. This test cannot provide much information about sperm. This kit gets the result in 10 minutes. If there is more than 2 crore sperm, then it does not mean that you cannot become a father. Because the fertility of men also depends on many other things. Therefore, it would be better to check your sperm only with a lab or professionals.
Indication due to decrease sperm count
1. Lack of sperm may cause swelling in the nerves emanating from the testicles.
2. Some sexual transmitted infections can also cause sperm count to decrease.
3. The problem of ejaculation can also be a sign of sperm count being low.
4. Do not wish to make physical relation
5. Problem in maintaining erections
6. Low amount of sperm
7. Pain in testicles or lumps
8. Problem in pregnancy
9. Repeated breathing infection
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