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Anxiety Treatment: To remove the problem of nervousness and inflammation, you need 10 minutes to remove without medicine. It can be eliminated completely.

- Pranayama can remove the problem of nervousness and breathlessness.
- Anulom-control and Kapalabhati Pranayam increase the capacity of the lungs.
- Free yoga session at 5:30 am at Mahagama Energy Nagar Eco Park.
Godda In today’s era, after the age of 40, problems like breathlessness, sinus and nervousness are increasing rapidly. But the good news is that even without medicines, these problems can be relieved. According to Godda’s well-known yoga guru Nirmal Keshari, if 10 to 20 minutes of pranayam will end your problem for a lifetime in the morning, in which you will increase the capacity of the lungs by doing Anulom-Antonym, Kapalbhati Pranayam in the morning, and the flow of oxygen in the body is correct and the nervous system is strong.
How will it be right?
Giving information in Chit from Local 18, yoga guru Nirmal Keshari said that the lungs are cleaned with Anulom-control, the amount of oxygen increases due to Kapalbhati and along with it, Leo Garjan Pranayama is also very beneficial for these problems. This strengthens the throat and respiratory system. So if you are also struggling with such problems, then instead of medicines, include yoga in your routine and move towards a healthy life.
If you include these pranayama in the regular routine of your life, then you will not need any medicine or medicinal treatment for diseases like nervousness, sinus and migraine. If you do these pranayama in the morning in the morning, then it will be even more beneficial. Free yoga is also done daily from 5:30 am in the Mahagama Energy Nagar Eco Park of Godda. You can take advantage of which.
Disclaimer: The medicine/medicine and health advice given in this news is based on the conversation with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use something only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for the damage caused by any use.