Hrithik Roshan’s Sister, Sunaina roshanHas recently opened up about how she expresses her vulnerability and how her brother, actor hrithik, remains very Silent on such matters. In an interview, she was asked about the differences when rakesh roshan was battling cancer and hrithik was dealing with scoliosis in his early 20s. She shared that the fighter actor is a very introverted and reserved person.
In an interview with Siddharth Kannan, Sunaina Reflected on the period when all three of them fained health struggles, emphaising that they share the same mindset and determination to fight through and regain their health. She stated that they remained brave during the tughest phases of their lives.
When asked how hrithik expresses his vulnerability Express, ‘Oh, why am I going through this?’ INTEAD, I express it by cracking jokes and lighting about it. Again. “
She further revised that he was a strict brother to her, while she was more lenient with “He used to say, ‘do not talk to this one, do not talk to that one.” He was a big bully – very position, “She shared. Sunaina also recalled how he was too lazy to drink his share of milk in the morning, so he would make make her drink it to avoid being caught by their parents.