‘World Cancer Day’ is celebrated every year on 4 February. The purpose of this global initiative is to spread awareness about cancer prevention, identity and treatment. ‘World Cancer Day’ works to alert people, communities and organizations around the world to alert people about challenging diseases like cancer and unite people. Programs, campaigns and activities are organized around the world to educate individuals about cancer and support cancer affected patients and families.
World Cancer Day 2025 Theme
Every year ‘World Cancer Day’ adopts a special theme. Which focuses on various aspects of cancer care. The theme of World Cancer Day 2025-2027 is ‘United Bio Unic’. This theme highlights the importance of personal care and treatment to meet the unique needs of each person.
Cancer prevention: Thoughts to reduce your risk
According to the World Health Organization, 30 to 50% of cancer can be prevented at present by avoiding the causes of cancer like cancer and applying existing evidence-based prevention strategies. For this, first of all, it is very important to make some special changes in lifestyle.
1. Quit tobacco
Eating tobacco is one of the major causes of cancer. If you smoke, seek help to quit smoking and avoid exposure to second hand smoke.
2. Eat right
Pay attention to taking a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Processed food items such as red meat and very sweet drinks should not be used. A healthy, right diet keeps you healthy weight and controls other things.
3. Get the check done
Early identity is important for effectively dealing with cancer. Regular investigation and examination can help in early detecting and treating cancer.
4. Get vaccinated
The vaccines can help prevent certain types of cancer, such as HPV vaccine, which can reduce the risk of cervical and other cancer, and hepatitis B vaccine, which can prevent liver cancer.
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5. Keep a healthy BMI and be physically active
Obesity is associated with different types of cancer. To maintain healthy weight, aim a balanced diet and regular physical activity. World Cancer Day reminds of the need for continuous commitment to reduce the burden of global cancer.
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