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Ballia: The weather is changing, in this season it is good for health to make such changes from your food to lifestyle. These small but important things will protect you from diseases.

Do this work will not be ill in Rituraj Vasant …
- Eat light and digestible meals in the spring.
- Stay away from cold things and fast food.
- Walking before sunrise is beneficial for health.
Baliya: Ayurveda says, “Vasante tour pandyam”, walking in the spring and making some changes in your lifestyle is very beneficial for health. This is very pleasant the weather between cold and summer. Ayurveda has given special guidance in the spring to keep the body healthy. As soon as the spring starts, some common diseases start to bother, from which easy measures for prevention are mentioned in Ayurveda. Let’s know in detail.
Change the food and teeths
Seven years experienced (MD and PhD in Medicine) Medical Officer of Government Ayurvedic Hospital, Nagar Ballia, Dr. Priyanka Singh said, ‘Vasant season has started. This spring is called Rituraj i.e. King of Ritu. After the cold end, this season runs from March to the end of May. After this, summer season comes. The time between cold and heat is spring. In winter, people eat very heavy food, which should be stopped in this season.
Stay away from these things
After the cold end, now due to strong sunlight, the diseases of the body start melting, that is, all diseases like cold, cough and phlegm start. By making only a little change in this season, many diseases are removed from the body. Very light, digestible and absolutely fresh food should be consumed. During this time, food like stale rice, wheat like grains in Ayurveda is forbidden.
Consume them
Consumption of moong, gram and pigeonpea is very beneficial at this time. You can eat radish, carrots, spinach, gymnastic, banana flowers and green banana vegetables. Yogurt should not be consumed at all in this season. If you feel like eating, then black pepper and rock salt can be consumed. Do not consume sugar at all, eat gooseberry. Dry ginger, pippali and black pepper can be boiled in water or taken with food.
Make a distance from cold things
In this season, hunger seems to be less. For this, mix rock salt in ginger juice and lick it before eating. At this time, ice cream and cold things are easily available in the market, which are very harmful. Do not even touch fast food. The body gets immense benefits by doing light exercise and walking.
It is necessary to walk
Ayurveda says, “Vasante tour is a path” – Touring in the world is a boon for health. Walking before sunrise is very beneficial. Every day, massage the body with lukewarm oil of mustard and take a bath with lukewarm water. In the spring, it has special significance to apply avatan (grinding mustard seeds). At this time, Ayurvedic mascara should be used, one should not sleep at all during the day. Sleeping early at night and getting up early in the morning is beneficial.
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