tibet earthquakes remind of nostradamus predictions for year 2025

tibet earthquakes remind of nostradamus predictions for year 2025

Earthquake in Tibet: Tuesday (January 07, 2025) morning in Shigatse, Tibet, near the border of Nepal, brought devastation for many countries. 53 people lost their lives in the terrible earthquake in Tibet. At the same time, due to this earthquake, tremors have been felt in many areas of China including Tibet, Nepal and many parts of India’s Delhi-NCR, Bihar and West Bengal.

The intensity of the first tremor on the Richter scale was measured at 7.1, which occurred at 6:35 in the morning. At the same time, the large number of deaths and destruction in this earthquake has reminded the world of the predictions made by Michael de Nostradamus for 2025.

Nostradamus’s prophecy being remembered

In the 16th century, the French prophet Michael de Nostradamus predicted terrible disasters for 2025. This includes earthquakes, floods, conflict between superpowers, economic turmoil, cyber threats and global unrest and instability. Many of Nostradamus’s claims have been claimed to be true in the past. At the same time, now the earthquake that occurred on the Tibet-Nepal border is also being linked with his prediction. Nostradamus has mentioned many more challenges and disasters in his book in 2025.

Nostradamus has mentioned prophecies in his book

Nostradamus has mentioned these prophecies in his book ‘Les Prophetes’ written in the year 1555. However, his predictions are interpreted in different ways. At the same time, the events written in this book are similar to the challenges in today’s world.

It is noteworthy that Nostradamus’s book Les Prophetes contains more than 900 poems, which have been written in a mysterious manner. It is claimed that many predictions were made in these poems, including world war and the rise of Napoleon, which proved correct. Nostradamus has repeatedly mentioned natural disasters in his poems. There is also mention of earth shaking and rise in rivers for the year 2025.

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