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Skin Care Tips: To keep the skin fresh in summer, use gentle face wash, oil control moisturizer and sunscreen every three hours to keep the skin fresh. Drink plenty of water and eat fruits.

Tips to avoid dry skin in summer
- Use gentle face wash twice a day.
- Apply sunscreen every three hours.
- Drink plenty of water and eat fruits.
Burn: The effect of heat is clearly visible in the month of March. As sunlight increases, its effect starts appearing on our skin. Problems like drying, dryness and sweating become common. But with the right care you can keep your skin fresh. How to keep your skin fresh and happy in summer growing heat? Skin care specialist doctor Amrita Kulkarni has given information about this.
Summer has increased considerably at this time. The temperature is very high. The ultraviolet rays of the sun damages our skin. To prevent this, you can take care of the skin in summer.
One should wash your face with gentle face wash only twice
Speaking to Local 18, Dr. Amrita Kulkarni said that in summer, one should wash her face with gentle face wash only twice a day. Use face wash only twice a day and do not use face wash again and again. If you sweat a lot or to wash your face, then wash the face with plain water. Do not use more exfoliating face wash. Use gentle moisturizer after face wash. The moisturizer should be of oil control category. Sunscreen is also good use in summer. It is necessary to apply sunscreen on your face every three hours.
Dr. Amrita Kulkarni said that apart from this, it is very important to use sunscreen, whether you are going out at home or going out. Sunscreen should be gel based. Those who sweat a lot or have oily skin, use waterproof sunscreen. Along with this, drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. Eat fruits and take fruit juice. This will make your skin look fresh and shiny even in summer.
Disclaimer: The medicine/medicine and health advice given in this news is based on the conversation with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use something only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for the damage caused by any use.